ADHD Diagnostic Assessments
Are you questioning
if you have ADHD?
Recognising ADHD in adulthood
The symptoms of ADHD can be more difficult to recognise in adults because over time people tend to learn to mask, as well as naturally developing strategies to compensate for their most common challenges. As a result, symptoms of ADHD in adulthood are often far more subtle than childhood symptoms, especially in high functioning individuals.
External factors such as difficult life events, trauma, grief, times of transition, such as becoming a parent can all intensify ADHD symptoms. It is common therefore that these times can be the catalyst for seeking out an ADHD assessment in adulthood. There is a strong genetic link with ADHD. So it is also common for adults to reflect on whether they may have ADHD, if a child or another family member receives a diagnosis.
For women with ADHD, executive dysfunction often intensifies at times of their life when their hormones significantly change, i.e. in adolescence, in pregnancy, after having a baby, when returning to work after maternity leave; and/or in the peri menopause. Consequently, these are common times when a woman may start to question if she has ADHD. Undiagnosed ADHD symptoms postnatally are also commonly misdiagnosed as postnatal depression and/or postnatal anxiety.
As a Clinical Psychologist with specialist trauma training and expertise, I have an in-depth understanding of how trauma can exacerbate the challenging aspects of ADHD. I also have lived experience of infertility and baby loss, as well as being late diagnosed with ADHD. So I truly understand the impact of both trauma and ADHD.
The symptoms of ADHD can be more difficult to recognise in adults because over time people tend to learn to mask, as well as naturally developing strategies to compensate for their most common challenges. As a result, symptoms of ADHD in adulthood are often far more subtle than childhood symptoms, especially in high functioning individuals.
A list of symptoms which can be associated with ADHD in adults:
Carelessness or lack of attention to detail (unless something is very interesting or important to you, then you may 'hyperfocus' on it to compensate).
Continually starting new tasks
Difficulty finishing ongoing projects (unless a deadline or consequence is imposed).
Poor organisational skills
Difficulty prioritising
Difficulty switching your attention between tasks
Continually losing or misplacing things
Restlessness and edginess
Difficulty with turn taking, often perceived as being 'overly keen'
Blurting out responses/interrupting others
Mood swings, irritability or a quick temper
Difficulty starting boring tasks
A tendency to procrastinate
Engaging in risky behaviours, such as extreme sports or driving dangerously
Talking fast and/or 'too much'
A tendency to 'over share'
Struggling to manage rejection
Frequently feeling stressed and/or overwhelmed
Source: Some of these symptoms descriptions are taken from the NHS website
What does a private ADHD assessment entail?
The Process:
An assessment session to discuss your personal history
2-3 sessions to complete a semi-structured interview
1 session speaking with a parent, carer or sibling who can confirm how ADHD like symptoms are affecting you and what they noticed in your childhood. (If no-one is available, a copy of a school report may suffice, along with me speaking to someone who knows you well now, like a partner, friend or colleague).
I will then write a report summarising the results, my recommendations and advice regarding helpful next steps.
The Cost:
The amount of time it takes to complete the above process can vary from person to person. Consequently, I believe it is fairest to charge an hourly rate of £150 per hour for all stages of the process. Rather than charging a higher standard fee for all. As a guideline, it is likely to be costed at 6 - 8 hours in total.
I am registered with most private health insurance companies. Some insurance companies now cover ADHD assessments if you feel that ADHD is affecting you mental health. They may also cover post diagnostic support for anxiety and/ or depression. So if you would have private healthcare and you would like an ADHD assessment and/or neuroaffirmative therapy funded by your insurance company, then please do call the insurer to check what your policy covers.
Which services do I offer for ADHD?
I provide a range of ADHD specific services, which include:
NICE compliant ADHD assessments for adults
ADHD coaching
Coping skills training
Therapy, specifically tailored for adults with ADHD, including EMDR (trauma therapy)
Corporate Webinars
Line Manager Training
Consultation with HR professionals, managers and/or individuals wanting support to implement reasonable adjustments in the workplace
A medication prescription pathway - if you are assessed by us your reports will be accepted by prescribers.
"Can I get assessed and treated for Adult ADHD by the NHS?"
Yes anyone can request an ADHD assessment via their GP. However, wait times for NHS assessment services are currently 2-4 years in most areas of England. As a result, many GPs are refusing to even refer individuals who are objectively functioning well, even if they demonstrate clear symptoms of ADHD on the ASRS screening tool.
If you are registered with a GP surgery in England, then you do have the right to choose where you are referred to for an ADHD assessment. This means you can request to be referred to the private provider 'Psychiatry UK', who I believe currently have approximately a 6-12 month waiting list currently. Your GP will tell you if they are willing to put you forward for this. Again you may find that it is dependent on local priority and need. If you are seen by the NHS, then you are likely to be offered an ADHD assessment and medication may be offered as a treatment option, if you receive a diagnosis.
I'm not aware of any NHS providers offering ADHD Coaching after diagnosis.
"How do I book?"
If you would like to book a private ADHD assessment or are interested in ADHD Coaching with me, then please
email me at: